The North Clarion County Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization sponsors many worthwhile projects each year:
Field Trips
Assemblies and Guest Speakers
Art Show
Sixth Grade Dance
Playground Equipment
Educational Classroom Materials
School Web Site Sponsor
Accelerated Reader Store
“SmartBoards” for Classrooms
Pottery Wheel and Clay for the Art Curriculum
Decoration of the School
Winter Clothing Drive
Book Fair
Santa’s Secret Shoppe
Halloween Costume Drive
Holiday Games, Activities, and Treats
Last Day of School Activities
And Lots More!
The P.T.O. holds fundraisers throughout the year to gain money for projects that enrich the students’ education and increase their self-esteem.
Every student in the school benefits from the projects that are paid for by the P.T.O. with profits from the fundraising.
Please consider helping to continue the work of this worthwhile organization by contributing a couple of hours of your time as a volunteer or by donating to their fund raising efforts.